freshwater fish whitefish Lake Whitefish The lake whitefish is a larger and more widespread fish than are the mountain and the round whitefish, and it is more highly regarded amo... July 10, 2019 Add Comment Edit
freshwater fish Warmouth (Lepomis gulosus) The warmouth is a member of the Centrarchidae family of sunfish and has white, flaky flesh. Identification The warmouth has a deep, s... July 05, 2019 Add Comment Edit
freshwater fish Walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) The walleye is the largest member of the Percidae family of perch in North America and a close relative of the sauger. A popular freshwa... June 30, 2019 Add Comment Edit
freshwater fish trout Trout-Perch (Percopsis omiscomaycus) A member of the small Percopsidae family, the confusingly named trout-perch is neither a trout nor a perch, nor is it of angling signific... June 25, 2019 Add Comment Edit
freshwater fish trout Sunapee Trout (Salvelinus alpinus oquassa) This member of the charr family was once classified as a separate species with the scientific name Salvelinus aureolus. A landlocked, or no... June 20, 2019 Add Comment Edit
freshwater fish trout Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) The rainbow trout is one of the most widely distributed freshwater fish and the one member of the Salmonidae family that presently has glo... June 15, 2019 Add Comment Edit
freshwater fish trout Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush) The lake trout is one of the largest members of the Salmonidae family, which encompasses salmon, trout, charr, and whitefish. This fish is ... June 10, 2019 Add Comment Edit
freshwater fish trout Golden Trout (Oncorhynchus aguabonita) California’s state fish, the golden trout is classified as two recognizable subspecies, O. aguabonita aguabonita of California’s South Fork... June 05, 2019 Add Comment Edit
freshwater fish trout Gila Trout (Oncorhynchus gilae) Along with the Apache trout (see: Trout, Apache), the Gila is one of two native trout in Arizona, both severely threatened. Because of in... May 31, 2019 Add Comment Edit
freshwater fish trout Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarki) The term “cutthroat throat” and its scientific designation O. clarki—the species name in honor of Captain Clark of the Lewis and Clark exp... May 26, 2019 Add Comment Edit
freshwater fish trout Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) One of the most adaptable members of the Salmonidae family, the brown trout was the first species of trout described by Linnaeus, the fat... May 21, 2019 Add Comment Edit