freshwater fish Sucker Suckers are medium-size fish that are well known to many anglers for their large lips. They belong to the family Catostomidae, which is cl... March 22, 2019 Add Comment Edit
freshwater fish sturgeon Shovelnose Sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorinchus) A member of the Acipenseridae family of sturgeon, the shovelnose is a small species and the most abundant sturgeon in the Mississippi and... March 17, 2019 Add Comment Edit
freshwater fish sturgeon Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) A member of the Acipenseridae family of sturgeon, the lake sturgeon was an important part of aboriginal culture in North America. In some... March 12, 2019 Add Comment Edit
freshwater fish sturgeon Sturgeon Sturgeon are large, slow-maturing, long-lived, and primitive fish found in large inland and coastal rivers, as well as in some lakes. They... March 07, 2019 Add Comment Edit
freshwater fish Central Stoneroller (Campostoma anomalum) The central stoneroller is a member of the Cyprinidae family of minnows. It is a hardy species that provides important forage for gamefish... March 02, 2019 Add Comment Edit
freshwater fish Stonecat The stonecat is a widely distributed and relatively common member of the madtoms. It is the largest madtom in body size, is the species w... February 25, 2019 Add Comment Edit
freshwater fish Sticklebacks Sticklebacks are small, slim members of the Gasterosteidae family that are rarely more than 3 inches long and are confined to the Northern... February 20, 2019 Add Comment Edit
freshwater fish Northern Squawfish (Ptychocheilus oregonensis) The northern squawfish is a large-growing member of the Cyprinidae family of minnows that is often caught in north-western North America t... February 15, 2019 Add Comment Edit
freshwater fish Splake (Salvelinus namaycush x Salvelinus fontinalis) A member of the charr group of the Salmonidae family, the splake is a distinctively marked hybrid fish produced in a hatchery by crossing a ... February 10, 2019 Add Comment Edit
freshwater fish shiner Striped Shiner (Luxilus chrysocephalus) The striped shiner is a common and widespread minnow of the Cyprinidae family that is familiar to anglers who use it as bait or observe i... February 05, 2019 Add Comment Edit